Knowledge workers create value by using knowledge and understanding – they think for a living, rather than carrying out physical labour. 

Managing knowledge workers effectively requires a particular approach as, while in manual work the targets and outputs are usually clear, knowledge work and its results are less tangible and therefore are harder to define, measure and evaluate. 

This evidence review summarises the best available scientific research on the principal factors that contribute to the performance of knowledge workers. We also look at definitions and the nature of knowledge work, and offer actionable recommendations on how to improve knowledge workers’ results. 

  • See the practice summary for the main insights and practical recommendations for action. 
  • See the scientific summary for our methodology and technical information on the research and study references.

Knowledge work performance: An evidence review | Practice summary

Download the practice summary
PDF document 258.8 KB

Knowledge work performance: An evidence review | Scientific summary

Download the scientific summary
PDF document 675 KB

Key factors for effective performance 

Some factors that drive the performance of knowledge workers include: 

  • Vision and goals 
  • Group goals
  • Support for innovation
  • People management and leadership
  • Team dynamics
  • Communications

Key recommendations

  • Make sure that employees understand how the organisation’s vision, and specific individual and team goals cascade to their tasks and responsibilities.
  • Encourage and give recognition for sharing original ideas and trying new ways of doing things.  
  • Provide employees with opportunities that help them learn, develop new skills and grow.
  • Encourage team members to interact and share opinions about their work. 
  • Create opportunities for sharing knowledge and information within and across teams and departments. 

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